Antisemitism and transphobia

“Nonsense is nonsense, but the history of nonsense is a very important science.”

Saul Lieberman (no relation to me), 1957

Jewish and trans: Conspiracy theories won’t leave us alone 5-min ⏰⏰
On ‘Jewish Space Lasers’ by Mike Rothschild, with my own reflections on transphobia
No one can prove anything to anyone who isn’t open to real evidence and logic, as conspiracy theorists are not. Still, pay attention to their antisemitism.

The biggest conspiracy theories are all-consuming 7-min ⏰⏰
This week’s antisemitism and transphobia—Trump, West, Rowling—is all connected
Donald Trump, Kanye West, J. K. Rowling are billionaires who validate their followers’ hateful conspiracy theories. Antisemitism and transphobia are linked.

The worst transphobic words I’ve seen (this week) 7-min ⏰⏰
…were also antisemitic.
Modern antisemitism and transphobia are fundamentally linked, and the crush of anti-transgender legislation is an attempt to exterminate trans people.

Posie Parker’s 2023 Anti-trans rally in Melbourne (DD)

Posie Parker won’t tell us about the billionaires 6-min ⏰⏰
On air, she alludes to a conspiracy theory — and then won’t explain it
In this March 2023 interview on Radio New Zealand, the anti-transgender activist Posie Parker says that billionaires promote the cause of being trans.

Transphobia, overt or underhanded 12-min ⏰⏰⏰
[Re: Jennifer Bilek (Tablet Magazine) and David Bernstein (Times of Israel)]
Transphobes aren’t interested in trans people’s viewpoints. Instead, they turn trans people into a bad-faith debate. They see it as a publicity opportunity.

This 1949 examination of fascist rhetoric shows us how we got here 4-min ⏰
More on the connection between transphobia and antisemitism
Max Horkheimer examined the social and psychological reasons why people become fascist agitators. This book analyzes antisemitic rhetoric in the US.

Trans exclusion has always been fascist (DD)

It could happen (and is happening) here: Transphobia is fascism (DD)

When the Nazis criminalized gay men 4-min ⏰
A story of persecution in ‘The Men with the Pink Triangle’ by Heinz Heger
The Nazis viewed gay people as weakening the gender binary. Gay men could be punished for “lewdness,” including simply hugging each other: prison or death.

Eternal love, deepest affection: A young gay man spent six years in Nazi camps (DMB)

Latest round of antisemitism and transphobia (DD)