Bathroom Bills

Bathroom bills are intended to suppress trans life 12-min ⏰⏰⏰
They will require little or no proof
If the intent behind the law is to take you away, they don’t care about proof. They don’t care how you’re trans. They don’t care that you’re harming no one.

Transphobia, the Interrupting Cow 12-min ⏰⏰⏰
Prejudice obstructs continuous and coherent thought
Transphobia upholds gender-conformist and authoritarian aspects of culture. It tries to link itself to important feelings, but it isn’t sincere.

How the bathroom verification cards would work 8-min ⏰⏰
I think they want magnetic locks on public bathrooms
Don’t put me on a registry of “safe” trans people. No one stands to gain anything from it. Everyone would be harassed in search of the Mythical Bad Trans.

My last time in a swimming pool in Florida 12-min ⏰⏰⏰
Florida has made so many laws against me, I don’t suppose I can go there anymore
Anti-transgender laws are meant to say that our existence is a logical impossibility. These laws are false, unworkable, bad-intentioned, and wrong.

If a trans person hid stolen classified documents in a bathroom in Florida 3-min ⏰
National security secrets between the toilet and the chandelier
You are all invited to my chandelier bathroom, where there are no boxes, as I have no chandelier either. I keep my newspaper clippings in my laundry room.