miscellany (Uncategorized)

“Miscellany” doesn’t mean “unimportant.” It just means I haven’t categorized these articles yet.

“I want to experience the joys and love of this world without the constraints of transphobia.” — Shaneel Lal, One of Them

Explain to me the oysters” 2-min ⏰
I understand the part about freedom—but oysters?
“He wept with bitterness to see / A better President.” After Lewis Carroll’s poem “The Walrus and the Carpenter” and Putin’s comment on “gender freedom.”

Impersonator troll account of the day (transphobia) (DD)

Scott Lively’s candidacy for governor of Massachusetts: On LGBT issues (DD)

The 2017 persecution of gay men in Chechnya (DD)

2024: Miriam Nohemí Ríos Ríos assassinated (DD)

Hollywood celebrities protest hotel owned by the Sultan of Brunei (DD)

One person in a couple is always taller than the other 5-min ⏰
The irrationality and hate directed at Radcliffe and Darke
[Re: Judith Woods]
This is how the transphobic media machine runs. They insist intellectual diversity is good, as long as it’s theirs and not yours.

Transphobes are boycotting beer because of the spokesperson (DD)

Partway through a book, time feels different 5-min ⏰
As you learn more about an author, it can change how you feel about their book
[Re: Oliver Burkeman]
I was having a nice time reading it until the needle scratched the vinyl and then, suddenly, I wasn’t having a nice time anymore. It’s a joke—kind of.

I’m not sure if I’ll see the Barbie movie 5-min ⏰
Prettiness isn’t a value I share, and gender isn’t a product
I’m interested in the metafiction of Barbie breaking out of her pink plastic dreamworld. But the mere invocation of her pushes my gender dysphoria button.

Some people detransition, and that can be OK

On detransition (tweets) (DD)

On detransition (more tweets) (DD)