Professional Transphobes

J.K. Rowling

The misrepresentation of compassion and solidarity 9-min ⏰⏰
[Re: Rowling’s 2020 essay and what Helen Joyce said about it in Trans in 2021]
“Gender critical” ideology typically promotes hostility and ignorance. GC, of course, claims to be kind to trans people. But that’s disinformation.

I’m disappointed in the ‘Witch Trials’ 16-min ⏰⏰⏰⏰
J.K. Rowling’s image-polishing podcast doesn’t grapple with the real problem
When someone accuses Rowling of transphobia, her team’s refrain is: When has she ever been transphobic? At this point, I hear it as a running joke.

On the 3rd Anniversary of J.K. Rowling’s Pledge for Trans Rights 6-min ⏰⏰
She ‘would’ have marched with us, but when?
Her supporters insist she can’t be transphobic, citing her tweet: ‘I’d march with you…’ Well, her tweet is three years old today. She hasn’t marched.

‘On the 3rd Anniversary…’: The comments section (DD)

J. K. Rowling, creator of monsters (DD)

J. K. Rowling’s transphobia (Fall 2022) (DD)

Yes, Rowling is transphobic (November 2022) (DD)

Yes, Rowling is still transphobic (March 2023) (DD)

Yes, Rowling is still transphobic (October 2023) (DD)

Helen Joyce

What we can learn about Helen Joyce in two sentences [Re: her book Trans] 5-min ⏰
Whose feelings matter? It’s a premise of Helen Joyce’s book ‘Trans’ that cisgender people’s feelings matter the most. It’s right there on the book jacket.

That transphobic Peterson/Joyce video [Re: Helen Joyce in conversation with Jordan Peterson] 10-min ⏰⏰
“That’s what people say about me,” Joyce says innocently, smiling, batting her eyes. “That I want to cause a genocide…When did I ever write such a thing?”

Helen Joyce explains why she believes she’s been ‘cancelled’ (DD)

Abigail Shrier

Books Like This Cause ‘Irreversible Damage’ 42-min ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰
What definition of “traditional gender dysphoria” is invoked here? It’s politicized misinformation about transgender identity, using kids as a punching bag.
[By the way, if my article seems too long, here’s another good one done in one-quarter the length, by Ziv W on Medium.]

Someone opening an account just to troll me about my 42-min rebuttal they didn’t read (DD)

Douglas Murray

‘We Are In Trouble,’ But Not For the Reason You Think 21-min ⏰⏰⏰⏰
Douglas Murray defends prejudice in ‘The Madness of Crowds’
If he were inclined to support trans people, he wouldn’t find basic affirmation ‘the hardest part.’ He wouldn’t say we need to argue more.

Richard Dawkins

Why did Richard Dawkins tweet about Rachel Dolezal? 11-min ⏰⏰⏰
Some people did not recognize the reference. Here’s a quick refresher.
An organization stripped Richard Dawkins of an award given to him 25 years previously because (in part) he trolled people about race and gender in a tweet.

How did Richard Dawkins undermine transgender people? 36-min ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰
Once you read this long, in-depth exploration, you will know the answer
The prominent atheist made bad tweets about transgender people. If you learn to recognize why they are harmful, you can avoid committing similar offenses.

Richard Dawkins had Helen Joyce on his show 13-min ⏰⏰⏰
I like to stay informed about what they’re saying about trans people
Richard Dawkins didn’t have a trans person on his show. To cast skepticism on trans people, he hosted Helen Joyce. She’s not trans. That was a choice.

Richard Dawkins had Peter Boghossian on his show 12-min ⏰⏰⏰
They’re both involved with the University of Austin
Boghossian treats the word “trans” as a synonym for “fake.” In his view, there are no trans lives, thus no shred of evidence about trans lives.

Richard Dawkins Is Stuck With a Transphobic Podcast 9-min ⏰⏰
Indulge transphobia long enough, and it becomes part of who you are
People standing up to announce themselves as transphobes, even when their viewpoint wasn’t asked for, is one social consequence of transphobia.

Richard Dawkins Had Lawrence Krauss on His Show 6-min ⏰⏰
We are not ever going to hear a dialectic
Dawkins’s repetition of his transphobic claim has not advanced a useful dialectic. He hasn’t invited a podcast guest who might challenge it.

New Atheist Cry: There Is No Trans 11-min ⏰⏰⏰
Yes, Dawkins did fall down the transphobia rabbit hole. QED.
The New Atheists used to insist there is no god. Now Dawkins mainly insists there is no trans. People asked me to prove he was transphobic. Here it is.

Rod Dreher

15 transphobias in ‘Trans Totalitarianism’ 9-min ⏰⏰
Rod Dreher’s August 2022 article in The American Conservative
Low on facts, high on transphobia. Here’s how we recognize that the perspective is transphobic. And here are 15 specific pieces of nonsense.

A bigoted premise sparks an ideology 7-min ⏰⏰
[Re: Rod Dreher and Jonathan Rauch]
For some, transphobia and homophobia are first principles
Transphobia is an ideology for many, a lens through which they see the world. There are other ways to think without first striking the match of transphobia.

Misc transphobic screeds

David French: National Review, Aug 2016 (DD)

Suzanne Moore: The Guardian, March 2020 (DD)

Joan Smith: New Statesman, July 2022 (DD)

Stephen Measure: Logical errors in ‘Gender Identity and the Invisible Pasta God’ (DD)

Liz Wheeler: Trans people’s genders are fake (DD)

‘And you know what that means’ 5-min ⏰
[Re: John Daniel Davidson, The Federalist]
Transphobic essays are fiction. Not the harmless entertainment kind, either. These are lies about brutalizing the elderly and medically intervening on kids.

See also

Graham Linehan — transphobia (DD)

Bethany Mandel — transphobia (DD)

Jeremy Clarkson — transphobia (DD)

Matt Walsh — transphobia (DD)

Riley Gaines — transphobia (DD)

Caitlyn Jenner — transphobia (DD)

Elon Musk — transphobia (DD)

Dave Chappelle — transphobia (DD)

Michael Broukhim — transphobia (DD)

Michael Foran — transphobia (DD)

Ray Blanchard — transphobia (DD)

Leaked emails from professional transphobes (DD)

Marriage equality

New book on marriage deliberately ignores gay couples 8-min ⏰⏰
Are we saving civilization yet?
Brad Wilcox’s February 2024 book, ‘Get Married: Why Americans Must Defy the Elites, Forge Strong Families, and Save Civilization.’


I didn’t write this, but I’m sharing it here as a bonus: “Mapping the transphobia/far-right Twitter nexus.” Ada Blockadia, Medium, May 23, 2023. One of the images in the article:

A comment on Twitter: “Note that this sort of analysis is no longer very feasible as of February as Twitter API restrictions prevent further replication going forward. The dataset used here is not public or feasible to replicate. We really need better open data regs” (Mallory Moore, tweeted June 1, 2023)