Transphobia has a history

It didn’t start yesterday. It isn’t informing us about new facts, nor is it telling us anything important or even true.

“Jon Meyer, a psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins, was skeptical of whether medical interventions really helped transgender people. In 1979, Meyer, along with his secretary Donna Reter, published a short academic paper that ushered in the second wave of historic backlash to trans medicine.

In their study, Meyer and Reter contacted previous patients of the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic. To understand whether surgery had improved patients’ lives, the authors developed an ‘adjustment scoring system.’ They assigned points to patients who were in heterosexual marriages and had achieved economic security since their operations, while deducting points from those who continued to engage in gender nonconformity, homosexuality, criminality, or sought mental health care.”

Pseudoscience Has Long Been Used to Oppress Transgender People: Three major waves of opposition to transgender health care in the past century have cited faulty science to justify hostility. G. Samantha Rosenthal & The Conversation US. Scientific American. February 12, 2024.

Three waves of opposition to transgender bodies (DD)

Transphobia since the 1970s 24-min ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰
Janice Raymond’s ‘The Transsexual Empire’
It’s a transphobia classic. We can look at its irrationality and spot its repetition in today’s transphobia. Today’s transphobia isn’t new.

On the history of the word ‘TERF’ (DD)

Ironic fiction doesn’t tell you who trans people really are [Re: Janice Raymond] 6-min ⏰⏰
Janice Raymond brought up this fictional story in her 1979 book to describe what trans women are really like. That’s not analysis. It’s disinformation.

Classic transphobia — since 1981 [Re: David Fernbach] 26-min ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰
Classic anti-trans arguments in ‘The Spiral Path’
Trans people have genders, but we don’t uphold, benefit from, or depend on the gender system any more than cis people do. That’s transphobic disinformation.

What transphobia sounded like in 2010 [Re: David Kupelian, How Evil Works] 7-min ⏰⏰
‘How Evil Works’ (2010) by the editor of WorldNetDaily
In discussing racism, antisemitism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia, the author of course purports not to perpetuate them, but he very much does.

Transphobia by Alex Jones of InfoWars (DD)

An early example of the ‘Drop the T’ in 2015–2016 (DD)

Gender transition: Like abortion, a thing that humans can be allowed to do (DD)