Transphobic tactics

Moral panic and scaremongering

Pirate secrets you can’t have at sea 4-min ⏰
They worried their mates might steal a watch, not that their mates might be trans
Many people today act as if trans people were secret pirates. But even pirate captains didn’t care if other pirates were secretly trans men.

The ‘Rainbow Scare’ is a cruel falsepanic, and it is upon us (DD)

Unproductive ways to persuade transphobes out of the bathroom falsepanic (DD)

Stochastic terrorism

Chaya Raichik seeks to harm queer/trans people and communities (DD)

Invoking personal disgust

Blake Smith (Tablet Magazine): Saying ‘cleareyed’ when you mean ‘exclusionary’ 6-min ⏰⏰
He’s giving readers permission to reject trans people. He’s specifically telling cis gay men it’s OK to reject trans men , who can never be men.

Blake Smith (Tablet Magazine): You’re not my type 6-min ⏰⏰
For gender and sexuality, self-ID is the tiebreaker. If the question is, How do I know if I’m a gay man?, the answer is never going to be, Ask Blake Smith.

Lying and posturing

Why a homophobe displays a rainbow flag 4-min ⏰
They’re lying to themselves and others
The homophobe continues to share an occasional smirking rainbow and meanwhile gets away with spreading hate, disinformation, and physically violent imagery.

The People Who Use LGB-Minus-T Are Homophobes 12-min ⏰⏰⏰
Brendan O’Neill does not support gay marriage and is impressed with the LGB Alliance
Yes, everyone may speak their mind. What’s on mine: Gay organizations that are trans-exclusive are homophobic too in complicated ways. Homophobes love this.

Republican support for gay relationships dropped 15% in 2022 (DD)

On ‘The Nonwedding of Stewart and Mike’ 3-min ⏰
Dearly beloved, we are nongathered here today…
Real-life Stewart is straight but not narrow, and regarding Smith’s Supreme Court Case, he told the journalist: ‘I couldn’t disagree with her stance more.’

Hate-crimers and their pronouns [Re: Anderson Lee Aldrich] 9-min ⏰⏰
Ignore the Club Q shooter’s statement of gender identity
A homophobic, transphobic murderer says they’re what? Let’s differentiate good-faith and bad-faith declarations, as well as reality and fiction.

Transphobia is a form of denialism [Re: Michael Shermer] 10-min ⏰⏰
We have to counter Holocaust denial, and also transphobia
Transphobia is an ideological lie. Certain arguments can identify and deconstruct it. (Transgender atheist Jews, by the way, also have humanities degrees.)

Why trans denialists say they feel victimized (DD)

It’s easy for this guy to challenge transphobia 5-min ⏰
Listen to Jon Stewart do it
[Re: Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas AG]
Stewart’s comedic approach was straightforward. He learned to see through organized transphobia. Reporters can learn to do this too. Ask real questions.

Anti-transgender lie spreads after school shooting (DD)

When there is a mass shooting, transphobes start rumors that the shooter is trans (DD)

Fired for misgendering someone? (DD)

Banning Healthcare

An exploding rocket is a success, but trans people can’t get hormones? 4-min ⏰
The existence of trans people is a danger only to fragile egos
A trans person is ‘dangerous’ only to people who believe that a trans person existing and having dignity threatens their own existence and dignity.

Missouri effectively banned gender-affirming care (DD)

A proposed U.S. military ban on transgender healthcare (DD)

Banning nicknames

Heritage Foundation agenda: No nicknames without parental consent, lest they be trans (DD)

They Tell You: Don’t Say ‘Queer’, ‘Transphobia,’ ‘Cis’

‘Queer theory’ is a dirty word? To whom? (To internet and publishing) (DD)

Sorry, I’m Out-of-Body Right Now 5-min ⏰
I’ll answer your hate mail in another lifetime
Asking fake questions about etymologies and intra-community debates they don’t care about. They’ll follow up with fake theories about floating out-of-body.

The ‘Man’–‘Woman’ Porridge Has Gotta Stay in the Goldilocks Zone 6-min ⏰⏰
Transphobes don’t want to be any more, nor any less, specific
They don’t want more specificity about ‘men’ & ‘women.’ It’s a slur, they say. They don’t want less specificity either. It’s erasure, they say.